a PSAP is required. Plans submitted in response to solicitation documents assist the requiring authority
with the following:
(1) Evaluating the prospective performing activity's approach to performing LORA activities.
(2) Evaluating the performing activities' understanding of the LORA activity requirements and the
overall process for performing LORA activities.
(3) The organizational structure for performing LORA activities.
Tailoring: The LORA program plan should be tailored to meet the specified goals of the
system/equipment under analysis. In developing a tailored LORA program plan, time and resource
constraints should be considered. However, when a LORA input data report is required, the tailored
LORA program plan should state explicitly:
(1) Which data is to be provided.
(2) How data is to be provided (hardcopy, disks, data file format, etc.).
(3) Which items in the LORA Candidates List the data is to be provided on.
(4) The LORA model specified in the contract to which the data will be formatted and analyses
(5) When the data is to be provided.
Submission and approval: The LORA program plan is generally submitted in response to a solicitation
document and generally becomes a part of the SOW when approved by the requiring authority. When
requiring a LORA program plan, the requiring authority should allow the performing activity to propose
additional activities or modifications to activities, with supporting rationale, to show overall program
benefits to those activities contained in the solicitation document. The LORA program plan should
therefore reflect the current program status and planned actions. The LORA program plan should be
reviewed and approved by the requiring authority and incorporated into the contract.
5.3.4 Program reviews (Activity 3). This activity provides the opportunity for the performing activity and
the requiring authority to review the progress of the LORA program and the results at scheduled intervals. A
program review is an important management and technical tool of the requiring authority. Program reviews should
be specified in SOWs to assure adequate staffing and funding and are typically held periodically during an
acquisition program to evaluate the overall program progress, consistency, and technical adequacy. If the
performing activity conducts internal reviews with contractors, subcontractors, vendors, or the requiring authority,
then the documented results and minutes of these meeting are to be available to the requiring authority upon request. LORA guidance conference (Activity 3.3). LORA program reviews should be conducted periodically
as specified in the contract (generally semi-annually or quarterly). The initial LORA review should be conducted as
a detailed guidance conference and be held soon after award of the contract. The purpose of this conference is to
establish review procedures, provide guidance concerning analysis and data requirements, describe procedures for
the exchange of data between requiring authority and performing activity, and identify any potential problems (i.e.,
data rights, proprietary data, and technical features of the LORA model to be used). Subsequent LORA reviews
should be conducted at appropriate intervals to ensure accomplishment of the LORA review objectives. Since
maintenance analyses can be a source of data needed to perform a LORA evaluation, the LORA reviews should
incorporate data from the maintenance analyses being conducted as part of the provisioning effort. LORA review and topics (Activity 3.4). The topics included in a LORA review will vary with the type
of development effort, the life cycle phase, and the review technique. However, there are core topics that should be
covered during a LORA review to ensure the maximum effectiveness of the LORA program. During the review, the
topics to be discussed include, but are not limited to:
a. Status of action items from previous meetings.
b. Contract modifications and other program issues impacting the LORA effort.
c. Status of the LORA program task and schedule.
d. Summary of LORA results and recommendations.
e. Issues, risks, and action items.
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