TABLE V. Program reviews (Activity 3) details to be specified
Activity 3 Details to be Specified
Identification and information about data items required as deliverables (i.e., DID number; dates, frequency, quantities, distribution, and medium of deliveries; and
locations for distributions).
Description of the LORA Review Team (i.e., identify whether the team is composed of members from PSA Review Teams; whether the LORA program will be
monitored under other teams; and identify the LORA Review Team members).
Specify whether review procedures should be included in the LORA program plan.
If a LORA Guidance Conference is required, identify when it will be held and what the topics of discussion will be.
Identification and frequency of LORA reviews required (i.e., specify dates for LORA reviews or indicate that dates should be as set forth in the approved LORA
program plan, or that LORA reviews should be held as deemed appropriate by the requiring authority).
Specify whether there is a need for requiring authority approval of agenda and number of days advance notice required before each scheduled review meeting.
Indicate information (LORA results, reports, and data) is to be forwarded to the review participants by the performing activity.
Indicate whether minutes to meetings/conferences require approval by the requiring authority and whether action items in approved minutes become contractual
requirements after submission through the contracting officer.
Specify the relationship (i.e., part of or separate from other reviews) of the LORA Guidance Review meetings with that of any similar group meetings (i.e., program
reviews, design reviews, PSA Review meetings, etc.).
TABLE VI. Input data compilation (Activity 4) details to be specified
Activity 4 Details to be Specified
A LORA Input Data Report applies to this activity and should be specified when required as a deliverable data item. If a LORA Report is required, then delivery of a
separate LORA Input Data Report is not necessary and should not be included in the SOW. In that case, the LORA Report would document the input data used in the
Identification of the items from the LORA Candidate List for which data is required to be assembled.
Identification of the LORA input data elements for which information is to be assembled. Identify the specific table of input data elements for the LORA models for
which the data is required.
Identification of the data elements for which the requiring authority will furnish values or information. Include specific guidance in the SOW on which data elements
will indeed be supplied by the requiring authority. Also, identify when the values or information for those requiring authority furnished data elements which will be
furnished to the performing activity. See Appendix A for additional information.
Identification of the factors for which information is to be assembled and used in the noneconomic LORA evaluation.
Specification of the delivery media for the LORA Input Data Report, if delivery is required.
Specification of the format from Section 3 of the LORA Input Data Report.
Specification of the base year in which data elements related to costs are to be expressed.
TABLE VII. Evaluation, performance, assessment, and documentation (Activity 5) details to be specified
Activity 5 Details to be Specified
A LORA Report applies to this activity and should be specified, when required, as a deliverable data item.
Identification of the LORA model(s) which will be used in all economic LORA and sensitivity evaluations conducted during performance of Activities 5.1 and 5.3.
Identification of specific data element(s) and the numerical range(s) over which sensitivity evaluation will be performed.
Specific constraints imposed on the system/equipment under analysis by the requiring authority.
TABLE VIII. Using results (Activity 6) details to be specified
Activity 6 Details to be Specified
Identification of the PSA related products which are to be developed or revised with the results obtained.
Identification of the related PSA systems engineering analyses which are to be interfaced with the LORA program.
Identification of the related PSA systems engineering analyses which will incorporate the results of the LORA evaluations performed.
4.4.4 Cost considerations. The procurement of data and documentation should be carefully scoped to meet
program objectives in a cost effective manner. Factors affecting cost. The following factors may affect data and documentation costs:
a. Timing and preparation of delivery: Documentation or reordering of data should coincide with the
generation of such data in design and analysis sequence in order that such data, at a later date, will not
have to be recreated at added expense. Delivery of data should be postponed until the actual need date to
acquire data in its most complete form without encountering repetitive updates.
b. Special formatting requirements.
c. Degree of detail required.
d. Degree of research required to obtain the data.
e. Accuracy and amount of verification required.
f. Duration of responsibility for data contents.
g. Availability and accuracy of source data from which to construct documentation.
h. Risk associated with the system design.
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