4.4.2 Identification of requirements. The LORA data and documentation required for delivery to the
requiring authority will be specified on the Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL). The CDRL identifies data,
information, and documentation which the performing activity will be obligated to deliver under the contract. DIDs
are used to define and describe the data required to be furnished by the performing activity. Applicable DIDs that
describe the data resulting from performance of the LORA activities contained in SAE AS1390 are identified in
TABLE II of this handbook. These DIDs are structured to identify the maximum range of data which can be
documented in a report. The requiring authority can tailor the DIDs by deleting unwanted requirements from the
applicable DIDs. The CDRL will specify those requirements of the DIDs that have been deleted.
TABLE II. Suggested LORA DIDs per activity
DID Number
DID Title
Program Strategy
Scientific and Technical Reports
Program Planning
Scientific and Technical Reports
DI-ADMN-81249A and DI-ADMN-
Scientific and Technical Reports
81250A apply to any review. DI-MISC-
Program Reviews
Conference Agenda
80711A applies to Activity 3.1 only.
Conference Minutes
DI-PSSS-81873A is required when the
Level of Repair Analysis (LORA) Input
Input Data Compilation
requiring authority is to perform the
LORA evaluations.
If a LORA Report is required by
Evaluation Performance,
Level of Repair Analysis (LORA) Report
contract, then the LORA Input Data DID
Assessment, and Documentation
is not typically cited or required.
Using Results
Scientific and Technical Reports
4.4.3 Details to be specified. TABLES III through VIII depict the details to be specified for each LORA
activity. These tables provide a list of specific details, additions, modifications, deletions, or options to the activity
descriptions and input and output sections of each LORA activity that should be considered by the requiring
authority when tailoring the activity description to fit program needs and preparing the Request for Proposal (RFP).
These details may be specified by the requiring authority and conveyed to the performing activity in the
contract/Statement of Work (SOW), as applicable.
TABLE III. Program strategy (Activity 1) details to be specified
Activity 1 Details to be Specified
Applicability of the performing activity proposing any additional activities and modifications or deletions to activities or requirements specified in the SOW and
Identification of LORA program review requirements.
Identification and information about data items required as deliverables (i.e., DID number; dates, frequency, quantities, distribution, medium of deliveries, and
locations for distributions).
Identify the significance the LORA program is to have in systems engineering and maintenance planning efforts for the acquisition program (i.e., indicate the
requirement for the LORA results to directly impact and influence the system and support equipment design, in addition to the maintenance planning for the
acquisition program).
Identify the system operating environment(s) for which the LORA program is being conducted. In particular, identify whether LORA input data and LORA
evaluations are to reflect a wartime, peacetime, or combination of operating environments.
TABLE IV. Program planning (Activity 2) details to be specified
Activity 2 Details to be Specified
Identification of each activity from SAE AS1390 to be performed as part of the LORA program.
Identification of any specific LORA process indoctrination, training, or guidance conference to be provided or required.
Identify whether the LORA program plan forms a part of the contract when approved by requiring authority.
Duration of the LORA program plan to be developed (i.e., indicate the length, period, or event for which the LORA program plan is in effect or covers).
Applicability of the LORA program plan being integrated into or a separate document from the Product Support Analysis Plan (PSAP). This should be stated in the
SOW to ensure that the PSAP and the LORA program plan are compatible but non-duplicative.
Identification of the LORA model(s) specified for use.
Identification of the specific LORA model data elements necessary to perform the LORA evaluations and sensitivity evaluations.
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