(The electronic version of the FAR is available online at https://farsite.hill.af.mil and www.acquisition.gov.)
Non-government publications. The following documents form a part of this document to the extent
specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of documents are those cited in the solicitation or contract.
SAE AS1390
Level of Repair Analysis (LORA)
Logistics Product Data
Logistics Product Data Handbook
Product Support Analysis
(Copies of these standards and handbooks may be purchased from SAE International ©, 400 Commonwealth Drive,
Warrendale, PA 15096-0001, Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) or 724-776-4970 (outside USA); email
CustomerService@sae.org; online https://www.sae.org. Government users may have access to a download service
for technical manuals and other documents and should check with their agency.)
Economic LORA evaluation. A process used to determine and indentify the most cost effective
maintenance concept for all products in the LORA Candidates List.
Level of repair analysis (LORA). An analytical methodology used to assist in developing maintenance
concepts, influencing design, and establishing the maintenance level at which components will be replaced, repaired,
or discarded based on constraints obtained through economic, noneconomic, and sensitivity evaluations, as well as
operational readiness requirements.
Logistics product data (LPD). That portion of Product Support Analysis (PSA) documentation
consisting of detailed data pertaining to the identification of Product Support resource requirements of a product.
See SAE GEIA-STD-0007 for LPD data element definitions.
LORA candidates list. A list containing all of the products for which the LORA program is being
LORA program plan. A description of how the LORA program will be conducted to meet the program
requirements. These descriptions include a discussion of how LORA results are utilized as part of the PSA.
Noneconomic LORA evaluation. A process addressing preempting factors which override cost
considerations, or existing LORA decisions on similar products, to determine the maintenance level(s) where repair
or discard can be performed. This evaluation is performed without consideration of costs. However, any
recommendations or conclusions based upon this evaluation should also include an economic LORA evaluation
which will assign economic value to the noneconomic decisions.
Product support analysis. The analysis required to create the package of support functions required to
field and maintain the readiness and operational capability of major weapon systems, subsystems, and components,
including all functions related to weapon system readiness.
Risk. A measure of future uncertainties in achieving goals and objectives within defined cost,
schedule, and performance constraints.
Sensitivity evaluation. A process concerned with determining the amount by which model parameter
estimates can change, which result in a different support decision for the item being analyzed. A sensitivity
evaluation provides the means to assess multiple "what if" type scenarios without the need to perform an completely
new economic LORA evaluation.
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