activities and associated documented results should be updated to reflect the current status of the system/equipment
under analysis. This iterative process is continuously performed throughout the product life cycle and applies to all
activities required to be performed during execution of the LORA program. The users of this section may include
the DoD contracting activity, government in-house activity, and prime contractor or subcontractor, who wishes to
impose PSA activities upon a supplier.
How to use this section. This section provides structuring guidance for the LORA program as well as
how to apply the individual activities and sub-activities defined in SAE AS1390. Where this document refers to a
specific activity defined in AS1390, the activity number will be noted in parentheses, e.g. (Activity 1). Similarly,
when this document refers to a specific activity defined in another standard, the activity number will be noted in
parentheses along with the corresponding standard, e.g. (SAE TA-STD-0017, Activity 1). Appropriate service
specific guidance may be necessary to supplement the guidance provided in this section. When a provisioning
activity has comprehensive printed guidance that the performing activity must follow and when it is too lengthy to
include in a statement of work, the governing document for the guidance should be attached as an exhibit to the
contract and referenced in the SOW. Examples of governing documents are regulations, instructions, orders, and
Program management, surveillance, and control. The following paragraphs detail the management,
surveillance, and control activities necessary to carry out the LORA program.
5.3.1 General considerations. Included in the general considerations for program management, surveillance,
and control are discussions on program management, timing, and program execution. Program management. Good management of the LORA program requires planning which identifies
all the necessary actions required for program success, scheduling which identifies the timing of each required
action and the responsible party for each action, and execution through timely management. Procedures should be
established to ensure the right information is available when required so that timely decisions can be made and
analyses may begin. Timing. Scheduling activity accomplishments is critical for the LORA program to achieve its
objectives. The criteria that should be applied for proper scheduling of LORA actions is to assure that all required
actions are completed and data available when it is needed, and only the required actions are performed and only the
required data is provided to prevent wasting resources and time. Program execution. Proper program execution is achieved through continuous monitoring of the effort
and having an established procedure to eliminate or minimize problems as they occur. Efficient program execution
requires that working arrangements between the LORA program and other systems engineering programs be
established to identify mutual concerns, maximize the benefits of mutually supporting tasks, and minimize
duplication of effort.
5.3.2 Program strategy (Activity 1). This activity is the earliest planning activity for a LORA program and
is the first step in developing an effective LORA program. While the program strategy is pertinent for MSA
activities, it is also generally applicable prior to preparation of any solicitation documents containing LORA activity
requirements. The efficient scheduling of activities and assignment of personnel to perform each activity will assure
proper execution of the LORA program. Therefore, the program strategy for the scheduling of activities and
personnel to perform these activities should be coordinated with other related systems engineering analyses and the
agencies performing these analyses, or similar studies, to avoid duplication.
5.3.3 Program planning (Activity 2). Program planning, which encompasses the LORA program plan, is the
basic tool for establishing and executing an effective LORA program.
General: The LORA program plan (Activity 2.1) should effectively document what LORA activities are to
be accomplished, when each activity will be accomplished, what organizational units will be responsible
for activity accomplishment, and how the results of each activity will be used. The LORA program plan
is a stand-alone document but can be included as part of the PSAP (SAE TA-STD-0017, Activity 2) when
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